About the Engi-Nerd

Hello all,

My name is Kevin Henderson. I am a Mechanical Engineering Senior at Ohio Northern University with hopes of graduating in May of 2018. As a student I participated in many on campus activities including being a swimmer and diver, representing the university as an ambassador in the President's Club, and joining the honors academic fraternities Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma. My passion as an engineer stems from an early fascination with the tragedy surrounding the design of the RMS Titanic (thanks to the movie of course) as well as a life-long passion for cars. I hope to use the passion I have for cars to enter the automotive engineering field in hopes of contributing to the current trends in environmental regulations and preservation, as well as automotive performance.

Monday, February 5, 2018

How to Personalize your Social Media Pages: Tips from Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick provide several tips and helpful hints for customizing social media profiles in order to get the most out of them. This is through hints as intricate as creating your own “vanity URL” to making sure you use the right picture for your profile pictures. Chapter 11 of the book The Art of Social Media briefly outlines the possible ways to optimize your major social media profiles. Fitzpatrick and Kawasaki outline how to optimize profiles on
  1.     Facebook
  2.        Google+
  3.      Instagram
  4.        Linkedin
  5.        Pinterest
  6.       Slideshare
  7.        Twitter
  8.        Youtube

The tips provided in the book that affected my profiles most were the ones that revolved around Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These tips and hints were most helpful to me personally because I am present on all of these outlets. My presence on these social media channels is not one of high caliber, and could all use improvement in order for me to actually get the most out of my profiles. However, as a senior in college, the most influential social media outlet that I have been utilizing is the LinkedIn media channel. The tips that were provided in the book to optimize my profile for LinkedIn were the most influential to me personally because of my current job search.

The point of having a LinkedIn account is to have a profile of facts about yourself to market yourself in a professional setting. My account has been rated at an intermediate level on the LinkedIn site, however there is a great deal of room for improvement on the profile.The tips that were given for the
My LinkedIn page
management of my LinkedIn profile were all ones that had the potential to drastically improve the appearance and functionality of my profile. One of the prime examples of changing up how you conduct yourself on this professional channel is Kawasaki’s tip to write a personal connection request. He states that the personalizing of a connection request on LinkedIn makes it more likely that the individual will accept the request. I personally agree with this tip for increasing the likelihood that the follow request will be accepted if it is made more personal than the default message. Putting forth the effort to make a connection with the person has been made such a high priority that LinkedIn now has interfaced an “are you sure” option into the connection request. Instead of providing an upfront default message, the site asks if you would prefer to create your own personalized message. Another tip provided for the optimization of a LinkedIn profile is to follow a niche when attempting to gain followers. This is a tip that I actually have followed while on the networking site. As a member of the LinkedIn community, I have been attempting to obtain followers within the industries that I have interest in. I have also utilized the niche of alumni from my university to make contacts that could help me to gain a position down the road. As a matter of fact, one of the contacts that I made through this method is currently attempting to help me obtain a position at a highly respected company (even going so far as to help me edit my resume).  The point is that LinkedIn can be a very powerful tool for somebody who is looking to communicate with others on a professional platform, and that having an effective profile is one of the best things that you can do to actually get something out of the service. Fitzpatrick and Kawasaki give a very comprehensive list of ways to create an effective profile that markets who you are.


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